Friday, September 19, 2008

Wet Food.

It has been suggested that were I to be fed wet food, I might be less portly and healthier. So this morning the experiment began, and so far I have to say that I rather enjoy it.

In other news, I am afraid to blog. Every time I start blogging, this stock market thing goes crazy. So perhaps I will lay off awhile.

Who knew that a simple little kitty like me could cause so much financial turmoil just by expressing myself in the written form...?

Me. Yow.


Laurie Allee said...

Now I know who is to blame for all this financial instability. If I offered you a can of tuna -- ultimate wet food! -- would you make sure my WAMU account stays solvent?


Thursday Girl/Hollis the Cat said...

You will be much safer if you transfer all assets to WAMEOW.