Thursday, February 28, 2008

A Taboo Subject Has Been Brought Up In The Comment Section...

...and rather timely, I might add.

I am just going to say it straight out: Kitty Cat Puke.

It happens. Any cat who says it does not is dealing with some hardcat denial.

In fact, since I am feeling confessional today, I will admit to having thrown up last night sometime in the wee hours right next to keeper's bed. And yes, her bare foot did make contact with it while making the bed this morning. Although she does deserve it for making the bed and ruining a perfectly bunched up comforter, it really wasn't the best morning for this sort of thing to happen to her. She was running late, and the puke is still drying out and getting crusty right by the bed. As if she does not have enough on her plate what with all the drama at her work. My litterbox is in need of some attention as well.

However, aside from the puke issue, I was a very loving feline companion to keeper yesterday evening and all through the night with my snuggles and the loving kitty gazes I have perfected throughout the years.

I will rest up for tonight by taking a long afternoon siesta in the late afternoon sun that shines through the bedroom window and leaves long patches of sunbathe-worthy light on my beloved comforter.

Purrs to all, and to all a puke-less night!

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